
I fancy people who speak many languages and know how to use them well.
That is why I am constantly looking to work on mine.

Thanks to the internet, music, and games


English came naturally to me, as I spent the majority of my youth online playing video games. Although my tendency to sit infront of the monitor for several hours a day - every day - has it's negative sides, it also allowed me to pick up the language from a young age. They say "You don't learn, you adapt", and thus my next phase in the development of the English language and vocabulary is based on consistantly and deliberately putting myself in situations which enforce growth.

Born and raised


Norwegian is a language that is not spoken by many relative to other languages (approximately 5.5 million inhabitants in Norway). However, it opens up and eases our communication to our neighboring countries; Denmark and Sweden, and suddenly 5.5 million turns in to 20 million.

Mother tongue

Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian

Bosnian is a language spoken in the Balkans. Due to the horrific events that took place during the 90s, many had to flee the country(ies). The Yugoslavian diaspora became scattered across Europe, The Americas, New Zealand and Australia, resulting in a surprisingly widespread language.
Additionally, it is slavic language, meaning that some words and phrases are similar (and understandable) in Slavic countries (e.g. Russia, Czechia, Poland & Bulgaria).

Bitte reden mit mir! 


Having studied German on and off during elementary and high school, I got a good base for further development. I followed this up with a German Intesive Course upon my arrival in Graz, where I received "Niveu B2.1". Mein Ziel ist doch C1 zu haben, so bitte reden mit mir!"



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